General Questions

How long will my order take to reach me?

  • Orders shipped from UK to USA are now taking 13-20 working days.
  • Orders shipped from UK to UK are now taking 5-9 working days
  • Orders shipped from USA to USA are now taking 5-9 working days.
  • Orders shipped from USA to UK / EU are now taking 13-20 working days.
  • Orders shipped from UK to EU countries are now taking 10-16 working days
  • During the usual Christmas rush expect times to take longer.

We will continue to update this information as best as we can as the situation is constantly changing.

Where do you ship from?

Your orders are shipped from the U.K. or the U.S.A depending on what the product is. That is why sometimes, if you order multiple products at once they will arrive separately.

Where are you based?

We are based in Abuja the capital of Nigeria.

Do You Do Refunds & Returns?

Yes we do. Within 30 days if you are not satisfied with your products we will refund your money . No need to return the products.

Do you ship to PO Boxes ?

No unfortunately we do not ship to PO Box addresses.